Introduction to Sharing

Last modified: May 13th, 2024

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Sharing in CloudCannon enables you to invite people to edit and review your content, maintain your Sites, and manage your Organization.

There are multiple ways to control how you share your content in CloudCannon. You can:

  • Specify which content your team is allowed to edit.
  • Select which team members can perform privileged actions, such as managing your billing or approving changes to your live website.
  • Hide actions and files from the CloudCannon interface to create a more intuitive experience for non-technical team members.

You can choose which way is right for you.

CloudCannon takes a Git-based approach to content management, so every change to your content is recorded. Each CloudCannon account has a personal history of every update they have contributed to. This way, you will always know what is happening with your content.

In the Sharing section of our documentation, we cover:

  • Managing your team members — learn what a team member is and how to add or remove them from your Organization.
  • Permission Groups — learn what a Permission Group is and what permissions are included in CloudCannon’s Default Permission Groups.
  • Custom Permission Groups — create your own Permission Groups and specify which resources Group members can access.
  • Site Sharing — learn how to give a team member permission to access a specific Site in your Organization.
  • Client Sharing — create a site-specific password to share your content with people outside of CloudCannon.
  • SSO/SAML — set up Single Sign-On for greater security.

Let’s briefly introduce a few of these topics.

Organization team members#

Team members are people you have invited to your Organization. Your team members will help you manage your content and account administration. The maximum number of team members allowed per Organization will depend on your pricing plan.

For a more in-depth explanation of Organization team members, including how to add and remove team members or join and leave Organizations, please read our documentation:

Permission Groups#

In CloudCannon, permissions determine what actions a team member is allowed to perform in your Organization. The Permission Groups a team member belongs to will determine what permissions they have.

CloudCannon offers several Default Permission Groups, allowing Organization Owners to decide the appropriate level of access for each team member. For Team and Enterprise plan customers, CloudCannon also offers the capacity to create Custom Permission Groups, so Owners can decide exactly what resources each member is allowed to interact with and how.

For a more in-depth explanation of Permission Groups, including how to manage your Groups and those of your team members, what permissions are included in the Default Permission Groups, and how to create Custom Permission Groups, please read our documentation:

Site Sharing#

Site Sharing allows you to provide a team member access to an individual Site rather than all Sites in your Organization. You can use Site Sharing to share as many Sites as you need to with a single team member. CloudCannon provides two Permission Groups for Site Sharing team members so that you can select the correct level of access for each member.

For a more in-depth explanation of Site Sharing, including how to add and remove team members or switch a member’s Site Sharing Permission Group, please read our documentation:

Client Sharing#

Client Sharing allows you to share a Site with someone who does not have a CloudCannon account by creating a Site-specific password. Clients can log in to your Site with this password and edit content through a pared-back version of the CloudCannon interface. Each Site with Client Sharing will contribute to the number of team members allowed per Organization.

For a more in-depth explanation of Client Sharing, including how to turn on Client Sharing, configure Client commit messages, and add support links to the Client Dashboard, please read our documentation:


CloudCannon supports Single Sign-On (SSO) using a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) for customers on our Enterprise plan. SSO/SAML provides a way to authenticate your team through an external application and communicate that authentication to CloudCannon.

For a more in-depth explanation of SSO/SAML, including how to configure SSO/SAML in CloudCannon, please read our documentation:

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