Integrating your forms with email

Last modified: May 9th, 2023

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You can change this any time using the dropdown in the navigation bar.

You can choose to forward submissions from your CloudCannon forms to your email address by using the email Inbox target.

To create an email target:

  1. Navigate to the forms menu in your Organization settings, under Hosting > Forms.
  2. Open your Inbox settings by clicking the Manage button on the Inbox you want to receive email from.
  3. Open the Add new target menu, and set the Type to Email.
  4. Set the Target to the email address to send submissions to, then click Add Inbox target.

At this point, you should receive a validation link at that email address. Once you click that link, the target will be validated and begin receiving form submission emails.

Special Fields#

Use these fields to customize the email CloudCannon sends through the form. The fields can be hidden or visible, depending on your requirements.

_replyto — the value used for the Reply-To header in the email. Use this to ensure clients reply to the visitor rather than a default CloudCannon address.

  Your Email Address
  <input type="text" name="_replyto">

_subject — the subject of the email.

<select name="_subject">
  <option>General Enquiry</option>
  <option>Quote Request</option>
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