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Prevent editing locked with unsaved changes

April 18th, 2024 | Minor

This release added new behavior for enabling Editing Locked on sites with unsaved changes, and checks for Projects.

It also addressed an issue affecting dropdown menus from the WYSIWYG toolbar in rich text inputs.

Features & Improvements:

  • CloudCannon will now prevent you from turning on Editing Locked if your site has unsaved changes.
  • Added checks to ensure one Project per git repository per Organization.


  • Fixed an issue causing the bounds of rich text inputs to cut off dropdown menus from the WYSIWYG toolbar. When space is limited in a rich text input, dropdown menus will become scrollable.

PNPM now preinstalled

April 12th, 2024 | Minor

This release added pnpm to the list of preinstalled package managers.

It also addressed several issues affecting base URLs, Hugo site environments, DNS records, and the Hosting section of your Site Settings.

Features & Improvements:

  • CloudCannon now has pnpm preinstalled.


  • Fixed an issue where CloudCannon would repeat the base URL in URLs for Hugo sites.
  • Fixed an issue where CloudCannon would ignore a Hugo site’s specified environment.
  • Fixed an issue where you were unable to add or edit DNS records.
  • Fixed an issue preventing you from opening the Hosting section of Site settings.

End of support for the Legacy editing interface

April 11th, 2024 | Minor

The CloudCannon Legacy editing interface is no longer available. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during this process. If you have any feedback about the updated editing interface you could not provide before the Legacy support deadline, please get in touch with our support team.

This release added a modal for overwriting existing files and improved the speed of large file actions.

It also addressed several issues, including those affecting table controls in rich text inputs, relative URLs for DAMs, text styles and attributes, and requirements for connecting GitHub repositories.

Features & Improvements:

  • Added clearer messaging and a new modal for overwriting existing files when uploading to CloudCannon.
  • Improved the speed of large file operations (e.g., cloning, deleting, uploading).


  • Fixed an issue where you could not use the image and link control panels in rich text editors as they appeared stacked on top of each other.
  • Fixed an issue where snippets would ignore input configuration outside of the snippet definition.
  • Fixed an issue where applying a style to text in a rich text editor would strip other attributes (e.g., links).
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, CloudCannon unformatted editable HTML.
  • Fixed an issue causing the table controls dropdown from the WYSIWYG toolbar to be cut off by the bound of the rich text input.
  • Fixed an issue causing incorrect spacing in the table controls dropdown from the WYSIWYG toolbar.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, clicking “Explore existing files” in an image or file input would open a non-existent path in the file browser.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, opening a file but making no edits would appear as an unsaved change.
  • Fixed an issue where preview screenshots would not work if the page URL included a special character.
  • Fixed an issue where relative URLs for main source DAMs stopped working.
  • Fixed the default toolbar options for editable regions in the Visual Editor.
  • Updated the requirements for connecting CloudCannon to a GitHub repository. CloudCannon no longer requires the GitHub user who connected the GitHub app to your CloudCannon organization to have access to a repository. Now, CloudCannon only requires the user to be a member of the GitHub Organization to which the repository belongs.
  • Added missing inputs in the Configuration GUI.

General fixes

April 4th, 2024 | Minor

This release addressed an issue affecting the CloudCannon Site navigation.


  • Fixed an issue preventing the Site navigation in CloudCannon from loading/rendering, in some cases.

Hidden and disabled options for all inputs

April 3rd, 2024 | Minor

This release added the hidden and disabled options for all inputs.

Features & Improvements:

  • Added the hidden and disabled options for all inputs. These can reference the value of another input.

New key: uploads_use_relative_path

April 3rd, 2024 | Minor

This release added the key uploads_use_relative_path for referencing files uploaded from an editing interface and the template option for configuring previews. It also ensured that files open in an editing interface will automatically reload when updated via your Git repository.

This release addressed several issues, including those affecting UI elements in rich text inputs, table contents and navigation, conflicting updates, and uploading multiple files using a file input.

Features & Improvements:

  • Added a new key uploads_use_relative_path. When set to true, uploading a file from within an editing interface causes CloudCannon to reference files relative to the path of the file they were uploaded to.
  • You can now use the template option within the preview key.
  • Files open in an editing interface will automatically reload when updated via your Git repository, provided no conflicting updates exist.


  • Fixed an issue where CloudCannon would add an <hr> line to empty files in the Content Editor and rich text inputs.
  • Fixed an issue where copying a link from Google Sheets would add a <u> tag.
  • Fixed an issue where, in rich text inputs, CloudCannon would cut off long dropdown menus from the WYSIWYG toolbar and control panels for snippets or links.
  • Fixed an issue where CloudCannon would forcibly convert the contents of table cells to text. Table cells can now contain nested tables, lists, and paragraphs.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, using the keyboard to navigate a table had unexpected behavior.
  • Fixed an issue where recently open files would, in some cases, overwrite incoming changes from your Git provider.
  • Fixed an issue where, after resolving a conflicting update by saving your unsaved changes, CloudCannon would not automatically pull the blocked updates from your Git provider.
  • Fixed an issue where uploading multiple files through a file input would cause the browser to load infinitely.
  • Fixed an issue where images did not save or load correctly if you had baseurl configured.
  • Fixed an issue where certain custom JavaScript in the visual editor could prevent editing.
  • Fixed an issue where long text in the Site navigation would cause incorrect icon alignment.
  • Fixed an issue where the Editing locked and Switch to editing banners could appear in an editing interface at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue where snippet Data panels were an incorrect size when opened.
  • Fixed an issue where you could unintentionally close a modal with a click-and-drag action, particularly when highlighting text.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, resizing a snippet Data panel would close the panel.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a snippet Data panel would open the Select input dropdown, where the Select input was the first field in the snippet.

General fixes

March 21st, 2024 | Minor

This release addressed issues affecting _unlisted collection items, tables and lists in editable regions, UI spacing, preview URLs, Hugo CLI commands, and error messaging for array inputs.


  • Fixed an issue where _unlisted collection items would sometimes appear as a blank box in a multi-select input.
  • Fixed an issue where CloudCannon would strip attributes from tables and lists in editable regions.
  • Fixed an issue affecting UI spacing in the site list.
  • Fixed an issue where the client sharing link incorrectly prepended the preview URL.
  • Better handling of preview URLs with no specified protocol.
  • Updated the flag names for --printI18nWarnings, --printMemoryUsage, and --printPathWarnings to match Hugo 0.93.0.
  • Added the missing Hugo CLI flag --printUnusedTemplates.
  • Better error messaging for misconfigured array inputs.

Nested keys within preview

March 20th, 2024 | Minor

This release added nested keys to the card preview key.

It also addressed several issues, including those affecting DAMs, copying links from Google Docs, Hugo hardWraps, and conflicting updates.

Features & Improvements:

  • You can now use nested keys within preview.


  • Fixed an issue where branched sites would not copy the state of the "upload locked" flag, allowing you to upload images to your git repository rather than your DAM.
  • Fixed an issue where CloudCannon failed to respect the "extra prefix" option when searching and uploading to larger DAMs.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not see non-image files in a Cloudinary DAM via the CloudCannon browser.
  • Fixed an issue where copying a link from Google Docs would add a <u> tag.
  • Fixed an issue where quotation marks would be replaced by &quot;.
  • Fixed an issue where Hugo hardWraps was false by default. The hardWraps key will now match your Hugo config file.
  • Fixed an issue where bolding text in the Content Editor would cause unexpected behavior.
  • Fixed an issue where the Verify Email form could sometimes be submitted twice in quick succession, causing an error.
  • Fixed an issue where saving new files would, in some cases, prevent you from resolving conflicting updates.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, structures would been hidden in the Data Editor.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

New keys to allow and remove custom markup

March 14th, 2024 | Minor

This release added the allow_custom_markup key to enable editing of custom markup in rich text editors and the remove_custom_markup key to strip custom markup from rich text. It also added documentation links to checkboxes and switches, a Copy output button, custom URL support for your dashboard preview screenshot, and updated the View output button.

This release addressed several issues, including those affecting publishing to posts in Jekyll, image duplication in the Visual Editor, embeds, the conflicting updates warning, and new files.

Features & Improvements:

  • Added more options for handling HTML or Markdown structure that cannot be recreated in the rich text editor.
    • The allow_custom_markup key allows you to edit custom markup in rich text editors and explicitly accept the risk of unintentionally deleting elements that cannot be recreated.
    • The remove_custom_markup key will strip custom markup from content edited in a rich text editor, allowing you to clean files of unnecessary HTML content.
    • The remove_custom_markup key is disabled if allow_custom_markup is enabled.
    • You can define these keys anywhere you would configure a rich text toolbar. By default, allow_custom_markup is false for inputs and true for editable regions, and remove_custom_markup is false for inputs and editable regions.
    • You can configure both keys using the configuration GUI.
    • When using allow_custom_markup outside of editable regions, content that uses JavaScript will not be editable for security reasons. These inputs will appear as uneditable snippets.
    • For more information, please read our documentation on best practices for HTML in rich text and editable regions.
  • You can now add documentation links to checkboxes and switches.
  • You can now copy your build log using the Copy output button in the build modal, on the Status page, and in the Builds history tab.
  • You can now specify a custom URL for your dashboard preview screenshot using editor.default_path in your global configuration file.
  • The View output button is now available while your build is optimizing assets.
  • The embeds tool in the WYSIWYG toolbar now opens a code editor instead of a text area.
  • Invalid editable regions will now preserve their original content and have better error messaging.


  • Fixed an issue where cloning or renaming a file from within an editing interface would not immediately open the cloned or renamed file.
  • Fixed an issue where, on a Jekyll site, publishing a file to posts would not prompt you to add a date to the filename.
  • Fixed an issue where, in the Visual Editor, updating the details for an image would cause the image panel to close.
  • Fixed an issue where the Context menu for array and object inputs would show "Add undefined" instead of "Add item" for structures with no label configured.
  • Fixed a spacing issue affecting arrays in the Data Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where image panels would open in the wrong place.
  • Fixed an issue where screen readers would lose focus every time a new line appeared in the terminal.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not scroll a data file on devices with a smaller screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Editor would return to the top of the file when you changed data level.
  • Fixed an issue where, for image inputs with resize configured, CloudCannon would unnecessarily duplicate images that already matched the specified height and width.
  • Fixed an issue where, on branches that had a file with the same name as the branch, git pulls would not work.
  • Fixed an issue preventing you from pushing local changes to a new branch.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a file in an editing interface would automatically add focus to the first input.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a file in an editing interface would trigger a change to that file without you updating any content.
  • Fixed an issue where discarding your unsaved changes would not dismiss the conflicting updates warning.
  • Fixed an issue where switching between editing interfaces on new files would create a second new file.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented editable regions from loading for new files in the Visual Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where embeds would delete their content.
  • Improved output clarity by removing data-cms-embed.
  • Improved consistency of icon colors in the WYSIWYG toolbar.
  • Updated the copy in the Switch to editing banner and the Legacy Editing locked banner.

More permissible editing for custom markup in editable regions

March 8th, 2024 | Minor

This release addresses an issue impacting sites that use "custom markup" in editable regions. Custom markup is any HTML or Markdown structure that cannot be recreated in the rich text editor (e.g., <div> tags or style attributes). This is normally any structure that cannot be produced by the WYSIWYG toolbar.

Yesterday's release (New CloudCannon editing interface!) contained the following update:

  • HTML elements that cannot be recreated in the rich text editor (e.g., div tags) will now appear as uneditable Snippets. This prevents you from unintentionally deleting unsupported HTML elements from your file.

The rationale for this update was to protect your content from someone unintentionally deleting custom markup. As CloudCannon cannot render custom markup in the rich text editor, there is a risk that someone could accidentally backspace or delete it. This risk was present in previous versions of the editing interface, and yesterday's release intended to address this.

We understand that this change caused several concerns for some of our customers. We apologize for any interruptions to your work caused by this change and are committed to creating a better experience for customers who rely on custom markup.

We have created a more permissive experience for sites using custom markup. This release allows you to edit the content within your editable regions in line with the editing experience available before yesterday's release. Some markup remains uneditable, but now it looks more like your live site and does not appear as an uneditable Snippet.

We are also creating a feature for HTML inputs in the sidebar of the Visual and Content Editor and the Data Editor. Sites that rely on custom markup in these places will have access to an "unsafe editing mode", allowing you to explicitly accept the risk of unintentionally deleting elements that cannot be recreated.

If you want to reduce any risk to your site, we recommend reviewing the placement of your editable regions or creating custom Snippets so your team can add, remove, and edit custom markup without the risk of losing your content.

At CloudCannon, we are committed to providing the best support experience possible. Please contact our support team if you have any questions or concerns about this issue. We are happy to assist in any way we can.

This release also added support for WebP as a MIME-type format and a flag allowing Clients to use the Legacy Editor.

It also addressed several issues affecting image previews, Snippets, site backups, and the Legacy Editor.

Features & Improvements:

  • Added a more permissible editing experience for custom markup in editable regions.
  • CloudCannon now supports WebP as a MIME type format.
  • Added a site flag to allow Clients to use the Legacy Editor.


  • Fixed an issue where, when an image URL contained a fragment, the image preview would not load.
  • Fixed an issue where tabbing to the drag indicator on a Snippet and pressing enter would replace the Snippet with a new line.
  • Fixed an issue where the Snippet controls would not appear if the Snippet was the first element in a file.
  • Fixed an issue where open editing sessions with no unsaved changes would prevent Legacy Editor users from making changes.
  • Fixed an issue where site backups would always include the .git folder, even when explicitly excluded.
  • Additional error handling was added to prevent an issue where the Update status indicator would continuously loop.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

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