Scheduling your next build automatically

Last modified: April 20th, 2023

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Automatic builds are configured by creating a _schedule.txt file in your site. After building your site, CloudCannon will read your _schedule.txt file and automatically configure a build at the specified time. This is useful for future posts.

Schedule file format#

The _schedule.txt is a comma separated list of values. It contains three values, which are used to schedule a build and generate the management UI.

  1. Run date: Defines the date and time your build will be scheduled for.
  2. Build name: A label that will be shown in the Scheduled Builds UI in CloudCannon.
  3. Source filename: Path to a source file. The UI will show a button linking to the editor for that file. This is useful if you're scheduling a build to publish a particular file.

For example:

2020-10-22T10:00:00+00:00,Publish Post,_posts/
2020-11-22T10:00:00+00:00,Publish Post,_posts/

Generating the schedule#

For convenience, it's likely you'll want to generate _schedule.txt programmatically.

specific doc

For Jekyll sites we recommend using our plugin, jekyll-cloudcannon-schedule to generate _schedule.txt. This will parse all posts set for the future and generate a build on that date.

If automatic builds are not working, try setting –-future in Site Settings / Configuration.

Build Status Gem Status

Add the following to your Gemfile:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'jekyll-cloudcannon-schedule'

Then add the following to your _config.yml:

  - jekyll-cloudcannon-schedule

For Jekyll versions before 3.5.0, use gems instead of plugins.

specific doc

There are no automatic methods for generating a schedule file in Hugo. You will need to output the file from your own templating or build hook.

specific doc

There are no automatic methods for generating a schedule file in Eleventy. You will need to output the file from your own templating or build hook.

specific doc

There are no automatic methods for generating a schedule file in other SSGs. You will need to output the file from your own templating or build hook.

Viewing automatic builds#

When _schedule.txt is correctly set up, your site will be built automatically at the specified times.

To view all available automatic builds:

  1. Go to Site Settings / Schedule
  2. Select the Automatic tab
  3. Clicking Update will open the source filename in the content editor
Automatic Builds Schedule interface

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