Using Git LFS

Last modified: March 13th, 2023

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Git LFS is used to store large files outside your repository, but continue using them as if they were part of it. It's a great way to maintain a small repository size for faster syncing and builds, while keeping the external services you rely on the same.

Setting up Git LFS#

Setting up Git LFS is covered on the Git Large File Storage site. Each of our providers also have their own instructions for setting up Git LFS:

A great way to use Git LFS is to track your uploads path, so new asset files in the editor are stored there. Running git lfs track "uploads/**" tracks all files inside of the /uploads folder.

Enabling Git LFS in CloudCannon#

If enabled, adding files in the editor that match your configured Git LFS paths will sync through Git LFS, just as they would locally.

To enable Git LFS for your site:

  1. Set up Git LFS for your repository and provider
  2. Navigate to Site Settings / Source Syncing
  3. Connect to your provider and repository if you haven't already
  4. Enable the Use Git LFS checkbox
  5. Save changes

By default, CloudCannon will not attempt to use Git LFS.

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