Linking to CloudCannon views

Last modified: March 27th, 2024

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Editor Links allow you to link to other sections of the CloudCannon interface from within the Visual Editor. Use them to create edit buttons for your collection items and blog posts to quickly navigate the app. You can also add front matter Editor Links to open the front matter Editor at specified fields.

Editor Links are using the CloudCannon link protocol.

Linking to front matter#

Create a link to open a data editor at a specific input:

<!-- Inputs -->
<a href="cloudcannon:#title">
  Edit the title

<!-- Arrays -->
<a href="cloudcannon:#array[1]">
  Edit the first array item

<a href="cloudcannon:#array[+]">
  Create a new item in an array

<!-- Inputs within an Object -->
<a href="cloudcannon:#object.title">
  Edit a variable within an object

<a href="cloudcannon:#object.array">
  Edit an array within an object

<!-- Inputs within an Array inside an Object -->
<a href="cloudcannon:#object.array[0].title">
  Edit the title of the first array item within an object

You can edit hidden inputs by using popout-style editor links.

Open the sidebar instead#

Front matter can be highlighted within the data editor in the sidebar, or displayed standalone in a panel (default). To change open an editor link in the sidebar:

  1. Add the data-cms-bind-style attribute
  2. Set the attribute’s value to sidebar (optional)
<a href="cloudcannon:#title" data-cms-bind-style="sidebar">
  Edit the title
Screenshot of a modal style editor link in the CloudCannon visual editor

Linking to other views#

To have edit links for posts in a list, add an Editor Link in the blog post loop:

<a href="cloudcannon:collections/staff">
  Edit all staff

<a href="cloudcannon:collections/staff/">
  Edit Jane Doe

<a href="cloudcannon:collections/posts/">
  Edit Welcome Post

<a href="cloudcannon:status">
  Link to Site Status and Recent Activity

Front matter Editor Links are prefixed with cloudcannon:# and use a common syntax to reference them, for example:

<!-- Inputs -->
<a href="cloudcannon:#title">
  Edit the title

<!-- Arrays -->
<a href="cloudcannon:#array[1]">
  Edit the first array item

<a href="cloudcannon:#array[+]">
  Create a new item in an array

<!-- Inputs within an Object -->
<a href="cloudcannon:#object.title">
  Edit a variable within an object

<a href="cloudcannon:#object.array">
  Edit an array within an object

<!-- Inputs within an Array inside an Object -->
<a href="cloudcannon:#object.array[0].title">
  Edit the title of the first array item within an object

Posts Example#

To have edit links for posts in a list, add an Editor Link in the blog post loop:

specific doc

<ul class="blog-posts">
  {% for post in site.posts %}
    <li class="blog-post">
      <h3>{{ post.title }}</h3>
      <!-- Editor Link -->
      <a href="cloudcannon:collections/{{ post.path }}" class="editor-link">Edit post</a>
      <p>{{ post.excerpt }}</p>
      <a href="{{ post.url }}">Read more</a>
  {% endfor %}

specific doc

<ul class="blog-posts">
  {{ range .Pages }}
    <li class="blog-post">
      <h3>{{ .Title }}</h3>
      <!-- Editor Link -->
      <a href="cloudcannon:/collections/content/{{ .File.Path }}" class="editor-link">Edit post</a>
      <p>{{ .Summary }}</p>
      <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">Read more</a>
  {{ end }}

specific doc

<ul class="blog-posts">
  {% for post in collections.posts %}
    <li class="blog-post">
      <h3>{{ post.title }}</h3>
      <!-- Editor Link -->
      <a href="cloudcannon:/collections/content/{{ .File.Path }}" class="editor-link">Edit post</a>
      <p>{{ post.excerpt }}</p>
      <a href="{{ post.url }}">Read more</a>

      <!-- Editor Link -->
      <a href="cloudcannon:collections/{{ post.inputPath | replace('./', '') }}" class="editor-link">Edit post</a>
  {% endfor %}

specific doc

See other SSG examples and implement with your SSG's templating.

Screenshot of visual editor with editor links to edit blog posts

Collection example#

To have an edit link on a collection item page, add the following to the page:

specific doc

<a href="cloudcannon:collections/{{ page.relative_path }}" class="editor-link">Edit</a>

If you are using a custom collections_dir include site.collections_dir in your editor link:

<a href="cloudcannon:collections/{{ site.collections_dir }}/{{ page.relative_path }}" class="editor-link">Edit</a>

When generating Editor Links in Jekyll, collection items should use relative_path, while posts and pages should use path.

specific doc

<a href="cloudcannon:collections/content/{{ .File.Path }}" class="editor-link">Edit</a>

Replace 'content' in the href above with the name of your content directory.

specific doc

<a href="cloudcannon:collections/{{ page.inputPath | replace('./', '') }}" class="editor-link">Edit</a>

specific doc

See other SSG examples and implement with your SSG's templating.

Screenshot of a blog post in CloudCannon with an editor link

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