Beta Changelog

Last modified: March 11th, 2025

Resolve publishing conflicts#

You can now resolve publishing conflicts in CloudCannon.

Publishing conflict resolution is available to the Owners, Developers, and Technical Editors Default Permission Groups and Custom Permission Groups with the site:source-editor:write and site:publish:upstream:write permissions.

A screenshot of the Update from Publish Branch notification shows this Site has four updates available and the Update this site button.
  • When you click the Update this site button on the Publishing page to update your Site from its Publish Branch, CloudCannon may detect a publishing conflict. A publishing conflict occurs when the version of a file incoming from your Publish Branch and the version of the same file on your current branch do not match. Previously, you had to rely on your local developer environment or Git provider to resolve these conflicts.
  • The Publishing page will show you a list of all files with incoming changes, including files with conflicts.
  • When you click on the card for a conflicted file, CloudCannon will open the Source Editor and highlight the conflicted sections. CloudCannon will highlight the changes in the file from your current branch in red and the incoming changes from the Publish Branch in green.
A screenshot of a file open in the Source Editor on the Publishing page highlights the change on the current branch and the incoming change from the Publish Branch.
  • You can click on the Use current or Use incoming buttons to replace one change with another or click into the Source Editor to make a hybrid of the changes manually.
  • You can quickly move to the next conflict in a large file by clicking the Scroll to next conflict button.
  • When you have finished resolving conflicts in a file, you can click the Mark resolved button to save the file.
  • When you have resolved all conflicted files, click the Save all resolved files button. CloudCannon will complete the update from your Publish Branch.
A screenshot of the Publish button shows the Conflicts warning notification in the top right.
  • Once CloudCannon detects a publishing conflict, you cannot publish to your Publish Branch or save changes to your files.
  • You must resolve the publishing conflict and update your Site from its Publish Branch or abandon the update attempt.
  • If you resolve all publishing conflicts, CloudCannon will also save any unsaved changes made to your Site after the update attempt has begun. If you abandon your update attempt, CloudCannon will discard all unsaved changes.
    • We do not recommend editing your files while an update attempt is in progress. To prevent CloudCannon from detecting publishing conflicts while editing your Site, you cannot attempt to update from your Publish branch while you have unsaved changes.
  • After abandoning your update attempt, you can return to editing your files and saving changes. CloudCannon will remove all warnings about publishing conflicts. However, you must still resolve your publishing conflicts before publishing from this Site to your Publish Branch.
  • CloudCannon will remind you about any publishing conflicts the next time you try to publish from this Site or update from your Publish Branch.
A screenshot of the Update from Publish Branch notification shows that CloudCannon cannot resolve a publishing conflict.
  • If CloudCannon detects a publishing conflict that you cannot solve in the Source Editor (e.g., a conflict in an image file), a warning notification will appear on the Publishing page, directing you to resolve this conflict in your local developer environment.

Publishing page updates#

We improved the appearance and functionality of the Publishing page.

A screenshot of the Publishing page shows a Summary Tab, Changes Tab, and Commits Tab.
  • The Publishing page now has a Summary tab. The Changes and Commits tabs have moved to the top of the page to be more consistent with other areas in the app.
  • The Summary tab has three sections: the Publish section, Changes section, and Commits section.
    • The inputs in the Publish section allow you to publish your Site to its Publish Branch, or delete the Site. This section will look different depending on which publishing method you have enabled for your Site: merge changes immediately, or create a Pull Request for approval.
    • The Changes section on this tab shows the total number of files with saved changes and the three most recently changed files. It also has a See more link to the Changes tab.
    • The Commits section on this tab shows the two most recent commit made on this Site. It also has a See more link to the Commits tab.
  • The Changes tab lists all the files with saved changes on your Site.
  • The Commits tab lists all the commits made on your Site. If you click the View button on a commit card, CloudCannon will open that commit's page on your Git provider's website in another tab.

Domains section updates#

We improved the Domains section of the app and consolidated custom domain settings to this section from Site Settings.

A screenshot of the Domains Browser shows two domains, a search bar, and a Create a Domain button.
  • You can access the Domains browser by clicking the Domains button in the App sidebar.
  • The Domains browser shows all domains connected to your Organization. Each domain is represented by a card.
  • Domain card metadata shows you the status of your domain, how many CloudCannon Sites are connected to that domain, and whether the domain uses CloudCannon or External DNS.
  • The Domains browser now has a + Create a Domain button in the top right.
A screenshot of the Create a Domain page shows a text field for a Base Domain and a radio button for DNS provider.
  • You can click the + Create a Domain button to open the Create a Domain page.
  • On the Create a Domain page, you can enter a Base Domain and select a DNS Provider option from CloudCannon or External.
  • When you click the Create Domain button, CloudCannon will take you to that domain's Domain page.
A screenshot of the Network tab on the Domain page shows the status of domain Nameservers, subdomains, and fallback redirect.
  • Clicking on a domain card in the Domains browser will open the Domain page. The Domain page allows you to review and manage all settings for a given domain.
  • The Domain page has four tabs: the Network tab, the DNS tab, the Sites tab, and the Domain Settings tab.
    • The Network tab shows the status of your Nameservers, lists all your subdomains in a Subdomains browser, and shows your Fallback redirect for all remaining subdomains.
    • The DNS tab lists all DNS records configured for your domain, and includes a search bar and Create record button in the top right. You can edit or delete each DNS record using the Context Menu in the top right of the card.
    • The Sites tab lists of all Sites connected to your domain. You can navigate to a Site by clicking on the card.
    • The Domain Settings tab has two sections: Details and Danger. You can edit your DNS Provider or delete your domain from your Organization.
A screenshot of the Subdomains section of the Network tab shows the Hosting Setup, SSL, and Site browser.
  • Clicking on a subdomain card in the Subdomains browser will open the Subdomains section of the Network tab.
  • The Subdomains section allows you to configure your Hosting Setup and SSL, and also has a Sites browser for all Sites connected to that subdomain.
A screenshot of the Custom Domain page shows the Base Domain dropdown, the Domain Name and Subpath text fields, and the Add Domain button.
  • The Custom Domain page under Site Settings no longer shows your hosting setup, nameserver status, or SSL settings.
    • These settings are now on your Domain page.
  • If you don't have a domain connect to your Site, the Custom Domain page will allow you to connect an existing domain from your Organization, or create a domain using the Base Domain dropdown.
  • You can also choose a subdomain or subpath to serve your Site on.
A screenshot of the Custom Domain page shows the current domain, the View Domain Settings button, and the Remove Custom Domain button.
  • Once you have connected a domain to your Site, the Custom Domain page will provide a link to the Domain page for this domain.
  • The Remove Custom Domain will disconnect the domain from your Site, but will not remove it from your Organization. You must disconnect a domain from all Sites before you can remove it from your Organization.

Source Editor updates#

We have updated the engine for our Source Editor.

A screenshot of the Source Editor shows syntax highlighting for both YAML and markdown content.
  • The updated Source Editor has better syntax highlighting, specifically in files with YAML front matter and markdown content.
  • You can now see conflict highlighting in the Source Editor.
  • Updated themes for the Source Editor. The new default theme is basic_dark.
  • You can now edit your files on multiple lines simultaneously. Highlight a string in the Source Editor and use the CMD+D or CTRL+D keyboard shortcut to add multiple cursors at every instance of that string in the document.
  • The new engine allows us to add more editing interface configuration in the future.

Duplicating files#

We have changed the behavior of the Clone file action and renamed it to Duplicate.

  • Before this release, the Clone file action in the Context menu would create an exact copy of the file, including any instance values in inputs. This behavior was often undesired as multiple files would have the same UUID or the date would not reflect the time the file was created.
  • The Clone file action is now called Duplicate and generates new values for instance values.

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