The Source Editor

Last modified: October 15th, 2024

The Source Editor is an in-browser code editor that is great for making minor changes to the source code of your files. This editing interface is useful for all text-based files.

A screenshot of the Source Editor, an in-browser code editor.

Depending on your site configuration, you may not have access to the Source Editor for all files. An editing interface may not be available because:

Source Editor features#

The Source Editor displays the raw content of text-based files. Syntax highlighting in the Source Editor is automatically detected based on the file extension.

For more information about the Editing interface navigation and the Context menu at the top of the Source Editor, read our documentation on editing your files.

Appearance and behavior#

You can configure the appearance and behavior of the Source Editor using the source_editor key in your CloudCannon configuration file.

A screenshot of the Source Editor, with the tab size, gutter, and theme customized.
  tab_size: 2
  show_gutter: false
  theme: pastel_on_dark
  "source_editor": {
    "tab_size": 2,
    "show_gutter": false,
    "theme": "pastel_on_dark"

The Source Editor has the following configuration options available:

source_editor — Object#

This key defines the appearance and behavior of the Source Editor. The following nested keys are available:

  • tab_size
  • show_gutter
  • theme

This key has no default.

source_editor.tab_size — Integer#

This key defines the auto-indentation of each line and how many spaces a tab indentation counts as.

By default, this key is 2.

source_editor.show_gutter — Boolean#

This key toggles the gutter on the left of the editing interface, displaying line numbers and code folding controls.

By default, this key is true.

source_editor.theme — String#

This key defines the color theme for syntax highlighting in the Source Editor.

Value can be one of the following: ambiance chaos chrome clouds clouds_midnight cobalt crimson_editor dawn dracula dreamweaver eclipse github gob gruvbox idle_fingers iplastic katzenmilch kr_theme kuroir merbivore merbivore_soft mono_industrial monokai nord_dark pastel_on_dark solarized_dark solarized_light sqlserver terminal textmate tomorrow tomorrow_night tomorrow_night_blue tomorrow_night_bright tomorrow_night_eighties twilight vibrant_ink xcode

By default, this key is monokai.

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