Configure your inputs

Last modified: May 23rd, 2024

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We've recently changed the way you configure inputs. Check out our migration guide here.

The Data Editor uses a wide range of different inputs. Each input corresponds to a field in your front matter or data file, providing an editing interface for those values. Inputs have a type, label and a comment.

Diagram showcasing parts of a text input


Use the _inputs configuration to change types, labels, comments, instance values, and specific type options. Some configuration (notably input type) is automatically set for you based on the input key.

Input configuration
    type: image
    label: Hero Image
    comment: Appears at the top of the page
      width: 720
      height: 480
      resize_style: cover
Input configuration
  "_inputs": {
    "my_custom_input": {
      "type": "image",
      "label": "Hero Image",
      "comment": "Appears at the top of the page",
      "options": {
        "width": 720,
        "height": 480,
        "resize_style": "cover"
Input configuration
type = "image"
label = "Hero Image"
comment = "Appears at the top of the page"

  width = 720
  height = 480
  resize_style = "cover"

The above code shows the _inputs configuration set in the same file, but you can choose where to set this for inputs across your site in the configuration cascade.

Each key inside _inputs targets one or more inputs in the Data Editor. These keys can target inputs directly by key name, or the nested path to the input.

This configuration applies to title inputs:

Input configuration
title: Main page title
    type: text
    comment: Large text at the top of the page
Input configuration
  "title": "Main page title",
  "_inputs": {
    "title": {
      "type": "text",
      "comment": "Large text at the top of the page"
Input configuration
title = "Main page title"

type = "text"
comment = "Large text at the top of the page"

This configuration applies to title inputs at the root level of your data only:

Input configuration
title: Main page title
  title: This input does not have the comment
    comment: Large text at the top of the page
Input configuration
  "title": "Main page title",
  "nested": {
    "title": "This input does not have the comment"
  "_inputs": {
    "$.title": {
      "comment": "Large text at the top of the page"
Input configuration
title = "Main page title"

title = "This input does not have the comment"

comment = "Large text at the top of the page"

This configuration applies to title inputs directly inside seo objects:

Input configuration
title: This input does not have the comment
  title: Longer title for search engines
    comment: Summary of this page for search engines
Input configuration
  "title": "This input does not have the comment",
  "seo": {
    "title": "Longer title for search engines"
  "_inputs": {
    "seo.title": {
      "comment": "Summary of this page for search engines"
Input configuration
title = "This input does not have the comment"

title = "Longer title for search engines"

comment = "Summary of this page for search engines"

This configuration applies to image inputs inside card array items:

Input configuration
  - image: /uploads/jane.png
    type: image
      width: 100
      height: 100
Input configuration
  "cards": [
      "image": "/uploads/jane.png"
  "_inputs": {
    "cards[*].image": {
      "type": "image",
      "options": {
        "width": 100,
        "height": 100
Input configuration
image = "/uploads/jane.png"

type = "image"

  width = 100
  height = 100

This configuration applies to inline images array items:

Input configuration
  - /uploads/jane.png
    type: image
      width: 100
      height: 100
Input configuration
  "images": [
  "_inputs": {
    "images[*]": {
      "type": "image",
      "options": {
        "width": 100,
        "height": 100
Input configuration
images = [ "/uploads/jane.png" ]

type = "image"

  width = 100
  height = 100

These selector-style keys can be as targeted as you need them to be:

  • author targets author inputs anywhere.
  • seo.another.title targets title inputs, directly inside another objects, directly inside seo objects.
  • $.blocks[*].author.title targets title inputs, directly inside author objects, directly inside blocks array items, where blocks is at the root level.


Each entry in _inputs has the following options available:

type - String#

Changes the editing interface for an input. Each input appears and behave differently, takes different options, and processes different values. See more details in the type section below.

For unknown types, or if the input contains an unsupported value (e.g. an array value in a text input), the disabled type is used instead.

label - String#

Changes the text above an input. Defaults to generating the label from the input key (e.g. "Page Title" for page_title).

comment - String#

Changes the subtext below the label. Has no default. Supports a limited set of Markdown: links, bold, italic, subscript, superscript and inline code elements are allowed.

Useful for adding reminders or additional context for your team members on a specific input.

options - Object#

Configuration settings passed on to the input when displayed. These are specific to each input. The available types and their options are listed below.

instance_value - String#

Controls if and how the value of this input is instantiated when created. This occurs when creating files, or adding array items containing the configured input. Has no default. Must be one of UUID or NOW.

  • UUID generates a uuidv4 (extremely unlikely to generate duplicates), useful for identifying unique items (e.g. 6ec0bd7f-11c0-43da-975e-2a8ad9ebae0b)
  • NOW generates the current datetime in the site's configured timezone
hidden - Boolean or string#

Toggles the visibility of this input. Useful for when you need an input to exist, but don't want it edited or seen. Defaults to the naming convention, true for input keys starting with an underscore and false otherwise.

If set as a boolean, the input is hidden based if true.

If set as a string, the input is hidden based on the value of another input. This can start with a ! to reverse the value. For reverse values in YAML files, the string should be in ' or " quotation marks.

  • published hides an input when the sibling input published is truthy
  • !published hides an input when the sibling input published is falsy
cascade - Boolean#

Specifies whether or not this input configuration should be merged with any matching, less specific configuration. Defaults to true.

The configuration cascade works by finding the most specific _inputs entry. Usually, once an option is found in the cascade, there's no reason to keep looking.

When this is true, the cascade continues looking and each entry found is merged. This allows you to define a comment globally, then a different label for inputs in a collection without redefining the comment. You can stop the cascade at any given point by setting cascade to false.


The type defines how inputs appear and behave. The type used for each field is based on (in order):

  1. type in _inputs for that key
  2. Value (e.g. boolean values show as a checkbox)
  3. Key name (e.g. color will give you a color picker)

This results in good defaults for unconfigured inputs, without hindering configured inputs. To change the type for an input you can use the _inputs configuration, or the naming conventions:

Input configuration
    type: image
Input configuration
  "my_custom_input": null,
  "_inputs": {
    "my_custom_input": {
      "type": "image"
Input configuration
type = "image"
Naming convention
color: '#efefef'
some_text: Hello
Naming convention
  "color": "#efefef",
  "some_text": "Hello"
Naming convention
color = "#efefef"
some_text = "Hello"

The naming conventions support snake_case, camelCase, PascalCase and kebab-case.

Here are all the available input types, each with their own available options:

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