Configuration file reference

Last modified: October 16th, 2024

Your CloudCannon configuration file allows you to customize your app experience by configuration CloudCannon's appearance and functionality.

This article covers all the keys available at the root level of your configuration file. To learn more about the configuration file, please read our documentation on the CloudCannon configuration file.

source: /
  uploads: /assets/uploads
    path: content
    name: Pages
    icon: wysiwyg
    path: content/blog
    name: Blog
    icon: post_add
      - content
      - data
    path: data
    name: Site Elements
    icon: important_devices
  - heading: Content
      - pages
      - blog
  - heading: Data Files
      - data
  - data
  - content
  - visual
    type: multiselect
      values: _select_data.blog_topics
    - Opinion
    - Feature
    - Resource
      - value:
    bold: true
    italics: true
    underline: true
      - hugo_youtube
      - hugo_vimeo
base_url: documentation
    path: data/authors.csv
  - glob: data/locations.csv
          - label: Location
  default_path: /en/
  tab_size: 2
  show_gutter: false
  theme: pastel_on_dark
timezone: Etc/UTC
  - template_string: '{message}'
  engine: commonmark
  "source": "/",
  "paths": {
    "uploads": "/assets/uploads"
  "collections_config": {
    "pages": {
      "path": "content",
      "name": "Pages",
      "icon": "wysiwyg"
    "blog": {
      "path": "content/blog",
      "name": "Blog",
      "icon": "post_add",
      "_enabled_editors": [
    "data": {
      "path": "data",
      "name": "Site Elements",
      "icon": "important_devices"
  "collection_groups": [
      "heading": "Content",
      "collections": [
      "heading": "Data Files",
      "collections": [
  "_enabled_editors": [
  "_inputs": {
    "blog_tags": {
      "type": "multiselect",
      "options": {
        "values": "_select_data.blog_topics"
  "_select_data": {
    "blog_topics": [
  "_structures": {
    "example": {
      "values": [
          "value": {
            "name": null,
            "description": null,
            "image": null
  "_editables": {
    "content": {
      "bold": true,
      "italics": true,
      "underline": true
  "_snippets_imports": {
    "hugo": {
      "include": [
  "_snippets": null,
  "base_url": "documentation",
  "data_config": {
    "authors": {
      "path": "data/authors.csv"
  "file_config": [
      "glob": "data/locations.csv",
      "_structures": {
        "location_entries": {
          "values": [
              "label": "Location",
              "value": {
                "name": null,
                "lat": null,
                "long": null,
                "image": null
  "editor": {
    "default_path": "/en/"
  "source_editor": {
    "tab_size": 2,
    "show_gutter": false,
    "theme": "pastel_on_dark"
  "timezone": "Etc/UTC",
  "commit_templates": [
      "template_string": "{message}"
  "markdown": {
    "engine": "commonmark"

Many of these configuration options have dedicated documentation. For more information, please read the documentation linked under each key description in the reference table.

Your CloudCannon configuration file has the following options available:

source — String#

This key defines the base path for your source files, relative to the root folder of your repository. Unless you use a nested folder as the source for your Site you can leave this key empty or set it to /.

By default, this key is empty.

For more information, please read our documentation on the Site source folder in your configuration file.

paths — Object#

This key enables you to define paths for your Rich Text editors or File inputs. The following nested keys are available:

  • dam_static
  • dam_uploads
  • dam_uploads_filename
  • static
  • uploads
  • uploads_filename
  • uploads_use_relative_paths

This key has no default. If undefined at higher levels of the configuration cascade, paths will default to any values configured in the CloudCannon configuration file.

For more information, please read our documentation on Rich Text editors or File inputs.

collections_config — Array of Objects#

This key defines your Collections.

The following nested keys are available for each Collection:

  • path
  • glob
  • name
  • singular_name
  • icon
  • url
  • disable_url
  • documentation
  • description
  • preview
  • sort
  • sort_options
  • _editables
  • _enabled_editors
  • _inputs
  • _select_data
  • _structures
  • add_options
  • create
  • disable_add
  • disable_add_folder
  • disable_file_actions
  • new_preview_url
  • schemas
  • schema_key
  • include_developer_files

By default, CloudCannon uses your source key to make assumptions about your Collections.

For more information, please read our documentation on Collections.

collection_groups — Array of Objects#

This key defines the groups and order of Collections in your Site Navigation. Each item in the array must contain the heading and collections keys.

The following nested keys are available for each entry in collection_groups:

  • heading
  • collections

This key has no default. If undefined, CloudCannon will sort your Collections in the following order: the Pages Collection, all output Collections in alphabetical order, then all non-output Collections in alphabetical order.

For more information, please read our documentation on configuring your Site Navigation.

_enabled_editors — Array#

This key defines which editing interfaces are available by default for files in your Site. Whether an editing interface is available for a specific file is determined by other factors.

Values can be one of the following: visual, content, or data. Specifying one or more editing interfaces will disable all unspecified editing interfaces. You cannot disable the Source Editor with this key.

By default, this key is set to visual, content, and data.

For more information, please read our documentation on the Visual Editor, Content Editor, Data Editor, and Source Editor.

_inputs — Object#

This key defines which inputs are available at a given level of the configuration cascade.

The following nested keys are available for each input inside _inputs:

  • type
  • label
  • comment
  • context
  • hidden
  • instance_value
  • cascade
  • options

This key has no default. If undefined at higher levels of the configuration cascade, _inputs will default to any values configured in the CloudCannon configuration file.

For more information, please read our documentation on inputs.

_select_data — Object#

This key defines which data is available to populate Select and Multiselect inputs at a given level of the configuration cascade.

This key has no default. If undefined at higher levels of the configuration cascade, _select_data will default to any values configured in the CloudCannon configuration file.

For more information, please read our documentation on Select and Multiselect inputs.

_structures — Object#

This key defines which structures are available for Object inputs and Array inputs.

The following nested keys are available for each input inside _structures:

  • style
  • id_key
  • values
  • hide_extra_inputs
  • reorder_inputs
  • remove_empty_inputs
  • remove_extra_inputs

This key has no default.

For more information, please read our documentation on structures.

_editables — Object#

This key defines which Rich Text editors have custom configuration for the associated WYSIWYG toolbar.

The following nested keys are available:

  • content
  • block
  • link
  • text

This key has no default.

For more information, please read our documentation on Rich Text editors.

_snippets_imports — Object#

This key defines snippet templates or libraries for your Site. Some libraries are SSG specific while others work for most SSGs.

The following nested keys are available:

  • docusaurus_mdx
  • eleventy_liquid
  • eleventy_nunjucks
  • hugo
  • jekyll
  • mdx
  • python_markdown_extensions

This key has no default.

For more information, please read our documentation on Docusaurus Components, Eleventy Shortcodes, Hugo Shortcodes, MDX Components, or Python Markdown.

_snippets — Object#

This key defines custom snippets for your Site.

The following nested keys are available for each snippet inside _snippets:

  • template
  • inline
  • preview
  • definitions
  • _inputs

This key has no default.

base_url — String#

This key defines the base URL (or subpath) when generating output URLs for your Site. The base URL will prefix the output URL of each file.

This key has no default.

data_config — Object#

This key defines which file or folder data in your Site is available to populate Select and Multiselect inputs.

This key has no default.

For more information, please read our documentation on defining your data.

file_config — Array#

This key defines file-specific configuration without configuring a collection or modifying files.

The following nested keys are available for each entry in file_config:

  • glob (required)
  • _select_data
  • _structures
  • _select_data
  • _enabled_editors
  • _inputs
  • _editables

This key has no default.

editor.default_path — Object#

This key defines the link for the Home button on the Dashboard page.

By default, this key is set to / (i.e., your index output URL).

source_editor — Object#

This key defines the appearance and behavior of the Source Editor. The following nested keys are available:

  • tab_size
  • show_gutter
  • theme

This key has no default.

For more information, please read our documentation on the Source Editor.

timezone — String#

This key defines the timezone for your Site. Value must be in IANA timezone format.

By default, this key is Etc/UTC.

For more information, please read our documentation on Date and Time inputs.

commit_templates — Array of Objects#

This key defines your commit message templates. Commit messages appear on the Review changes modal when you save your changes.

This key has no default.

For more information, please read our documentation on commit templates.

markdown — Object#

This key defines your markdown engine for parsing Markdown content into HTML and any configuration options for your engine.

The following nested keys are available:

  • engine
  • options

This key has no default.

For more information, please read our documentation on configuring your markdown engine.

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