Share a Site with Client Sharing

Last modified: May 21st, 2024

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Client Sharing allows you to invite someone from outside your Organization (called a Client) to view, edit, and publish content for a specific Site. Clients do not need to have a CloudCannon account. Instead, they log into CloudCannon using a site-specific password.

Clients will log in using a password you set for your Site and a dedicated Client Login Page. By default, the URL for the Login Page is the Site domain with the suffix "/update" (e.g., CloudCannon will use your test domain if your Site does not have a custom domain. If you want to change the URL subpath, you can configure the URL for the Login Page.

A screenshot of the Client Login page with a field for the site-specific password and a Sign In button.

Once a Client has logged in to your Site, they can access a simple version of the CloudCannon Site Dashboard. You can configure the links in the Site Navigation of the Client Dashboard to support your Clients.

A screenshot of the Client Sharing Site Dashboard shows a simplified navigation and support links.

Clients count towards the number of team members in your Organization. Your Organization's maximum number of team members will depend on your pricing plan.

Although an unlimited number of people can use a Client Sharing password to log in to a Site, we do not recommend giving a Client Sharing password to multiple people. If multiple people share a password, you cannot determine which Client was responsible for which changes.

There is one Permission Group per Site for Client Sharing, scoped to the Site you want to share.

Team and Enterprise customers can customize the permissions in the Client Sharing Permission Group for each Site.

You can see a list of all Sites with Client Sharing enabled on the Client Shares page under Organization Settings. To manage the Client Sharing settings for a specific card, click on the Site card or navigate to the Client Sharing page in your Site Settings.

A screenshot of the Client Shares pages shows one Site with Client Sharing enabled.
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