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Cloudflare Worker-based A/B testing

For those looking for a more robust solution, the Cloudflare Worker-based approach offers advanced features and performance benefits. Below are the steps for setting up A/B testing using Cloudflare Worker.

By CloudCannon

Access and set up Cloudflare Workers for split testing

  1. Access the public repo required here: https://github.com/CloudCannon/static-ab-worker.
  2. Clone the repo to your local machine using git.
  3. Review the README provided in the repository to understand the functionality of the Cloudflare Worker, its requirements, and how to customise it for your specific needs.

Create a component within CloudCannon to manage the A/B test content

In Bookshop, you need to create the two following files:


β”œβ”€ ab.bookshop.yml
└─ ab.eleventy.liquid

Below are code snippets for YAML configuration and Liquid template including the script to push events to Google Analytics. (See this lesson for more information on setting up Google Analytics.)




# Metadata about this component, to be used in CloudCannon
- content_blocks
label: "AB Test"
description: "Used to show different variants of content to end users, as a means to test which is more effective."
tags: ["containers"]

# Defines the structure of this component, as well as the default values
reference: "Name of the test"
ratio: "50:50"
active_variation: One
blocks: []
blocks: []

# Overrides any fields in the blueprint when viewing this component in the component browser

# Any extra CloudCannon inputs configuration to apply to the blueprint
type: select
- One
- Two



<div data-ab-define="{{ reference }}" data-ab-ratio="{{ ratio }}">
    {% if active_variation == "One" %}<div>{% else %}template{% endif %} data-ab-reference="{{ reference }}" data-ab-variation="0">
        {% for component in variation_one.blocks %}
            {% bookshop "{{component._bookshop_name}}" bind: component %}
        {% endfor %}
        window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
        window.dataLayer.push(["event", "ab_test_pageview", { "ab_test_name": "{{ reference }} v0" }]);
    </{% if active_variation == "One" %}div{% else %}template{% endif %}>
    {% if active_variation == "Two" %}<div>{% else %}template{% endif %}  data-ab-reference="{{ reference }}" data-ab-variation="1">
        {% for component in variation_two.blocks %}
            {% bookshop "{{component._bookshop_name}}" bind: component %}
        {% endfor %}
        window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
        window.dataLayer.push(["event", "ab_test_pageview", { "ab_test_name": "{{ reference }} v1" }]);
    </{% if active_variation == "Two" %}div{% else %}template{% endif %}>


Implementation in index.html



- _bookshop_name: ab
reference: Sample AB Test
ratio: '50:50'
active_variation: One
# Add components and content for Variation One
# Add components and content for Variation Two


What is a Cloudflare Worker? A Cloudflare Worker is a specialized piece of code that operates on Cloudflare's global edge network. Unlike traditional server-side scripts that run on a specific server, a Cloudflare Worker runs on the edge servers closest to your website's visitors. This allows for faster response times and more efficient data processing.

Integrate the component with the Cloudflare Worker using API calls or hooks to trigger and track A/B tests.

Go live with your test!

Learn how to set up A/B Test Analytics Tracking with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 in this lesson.

If you don’t have the worker setup or it’s failing in any sort of way, the active variation selected in the content editor will be what is displayed on your live site.

Lessons in this Tutorial

A/B Testing for Static Websites

  1. A/B testing for static sites
  2. JavaScript based A/B testing
  3. Cloudflare Worker-based A/B testing
  4. Analytics for A/B test performance
  5. Discuss implementation with our team