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Editor-friendly templates


A modern agency template for Jekyll, with intuitive component-based editing.

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Deploy to CloudCannon

Dante serves as an example of a fully-functioning implementation of Bookshop 3.0 on a simple website.


  • Live editing with CloudCannon
  • Component library for website building
  • Fully configurable Website
  • Pre-built pages
  • Pre-styled components
  • Blog
  • Portfolio
  • Staff and author system
  • Optimised for editing in CloudCannon
  • Search engine optimisation


Dante was built with Jekyll version 4.2.0, but should support newer versions as well.

Install the dependencies for Bookshop:

$ npm install

Install the Jekyll dependencies with Bundler:

$ cd site
$ bundle install

Run the website:

$ cd ../
$ npm start


Dante is already optimised for adding, updating and removing pages, and components within CloudCannon.


  • Add, update or remove a post in the Posts collection.
  • The Author Staff Member field links to members in the Staff Members collection.
  • Change the defaults when new posts are created in _posts/_defaults.md.

Contact Forms

  • The contact form isn't connected to any backend allowing you connect to your provider of choice. As this template is configured for CloudCannon we would reccomend using CloudCannon as your contact form provider. Documentation can be found here: https://cloudcannon.com/documentation/articles/creating-a-form-for-your-site-on-cloudcannon/

Staff Members

  • Reused around the site to save multiple editing locations.
  • Managed as a data file to give clients better access.
  • Set in the Data > Navigation section.
  • Managed as a data file to give clients better access.
  • Set in the Data > Footer section.