Update and visualize your branches with CloudCannon Projects

We’ve added two new features for users of our branching workflows, both aimed at reducing the friction of working with multiple branches.
If you're several branches deep into a CloudCannon Project, you may have found it hard to keep track of which branch is connected to which staging or production site. No more! You can now navigate to the Publishing tab on your Project, and you’ll find that we've visualized your branch hierarchy for you:
Being able to see a diagram of your existing branches really helps content teams see where their changes will publish. To help speed up edits to any one of your branches, each site’s card on the above diagram also acts as a direct link to that specific site.
From the site card itself you can also open a live site preview or publish your branch, and — for Team and Enterprise users with advanced branching workflows — create a brand new branch directly from the selected branch.
Update your site to match your Publish Branch
On a site level, we've also added the ability to update your branched sites to match changes made to your Publish Branch — meaning no more out-of-date branches!
CloudCannon will now detect when your Publish Branch has been updated. When updates are available, a notification icon automatically appears on the Publish button in your Site navigation.
When you're working on your site, you can access these optional updates by clicking on Publish — if your Publish Branch has been updated since you created your branched site, you'll immediately see the option to pull updates to your branch, and update your site.
We'll keep working on features for users of CloudCannon Projects, so let us know if there's more you want to see or do with your branches!
Branch and merge your website
Test new content ideas and dev features on your site, with CloudCannon’s Projects!