Turn ANY template or theme into a CMS

CloudCannon makes it REALLY easy to get any HTML template or theme live and client editable.
We shot a video to show you exactly how in less than 4 minutes.
CloudCannon is powerful enough and versatile enough to add CMS capability to any custom website built in HTML and CSS.
But just because you CAN bring fully custom websites to CloudCannon doesn't mean you have to.
You can bring any HTML template or theme on the web.
Start Bootstrap? Yessir.
Theme Forest? Yup.
Template Monster? Yes please.
HTML5 Up? Oh yea.
Creative Market? C'mon how many times I gotta say it? - YES.
In fact it's so easy to bring a template to CloudCannon AND make it updatable that I put this real time video together to show you how to do it in less than 4 minutes:
If you'd rather read, here's the steps:
I signed up for CloudCannon… [0:23]

…created a new site… [0:30]

…that has a folder now ready to receive my files. [0:47]

Then I headed over to Start Bootstrap and looked for their most popular templates… [0:55]

…and picked 'Grayscale'. [1:02]

I downloaded and unzipped the files… [1:12]

…then dragged and dropped those files into CloudCannon. [1:19]

When it was uploaded I opened up the Index file using the online editor… [2:05]

…and made all the copy on the front page editable by adding class="editable". [2:33]

Then I setup a password so that a client can gain access. [2:48]

I can see that all that juicy work is live on the web! [2:53]

I can also sign in to the client editor by adding "/update" to the site address… [3:03]

…and make some changes. [3:20]

Once I hit save I can leave the client editor and see that the changes are now on the live site. [3:40]

Bringing templates to CloudCannon is a great way to get websites turned around for clients really REALLY quickly, while still giving them all the power of a CMS and the ease of editing that CloudCannon allows.
What's more exciting is that if you bring a template and you want to start adapting it, you can see your changes live in the browser just by saving. Awesome huh!
If you've got any work you're proud of on CloudCannon that started from template reach out to us and tell us to give it a look. We might just have to rave about it.
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Give your content team full autonomy on your developer-approved tech stack with CloudCannon.