Top 10 Free SvelteKit Themes for Building Lighting-Fast Static Sites in 2023

Now that CloudCannon’s SvelteKit support is out of beta and SvelteKit has released version 1.0, it's the perfect time to get started with a new SvelteKit project! We'll highlight the top 10 free SvelteKit themes optimized for SEO, user-experience, and performance, making it easier than ever to build lightning-fast static sites.
SvelteKit is a framework for web development that offers powerful features for building web applications and static websites. With SvelteKit, developers can take advantage of tools like server-side rendering, progressive enhancement, and code splitting to build websites that load quickly and provide a fantastic user experience.
Developers can save a lot of time and energy by using pre-built themes, sometimes called templates, instead of writing the code from scratch. This is particularly true for static websites since they’re less likely to need as much dynamic functionality as other kinds of web applications. Using a pre-built theme will help maintain a consistent user experience across various website components and save time, all while designing for performance and scalability. Time saved by using a theme can then be put to use on customizing and building out the features and functionality of your website. And if you’re using a SvelteKit CMS like CloudCannon for your static site, you can put this extra time towards improving the visual editing experience for your content editors.
Building with SvelteKit starter themes can also be a great way for beginners to learn how SvelteKit works. Themes often include fantastic documentation and examples to help newbies learn how to use different configurations and features. But if you’re just getting set up in SvelteKit for the first time, we have a helpful beginners tutorial here which covers the basics.
Overall, a static website can be made to be more consistent, run better, and be scaled up more easily by using a pre-built SvelteKit theme. It makes sense that a lot of developers choose themes as the foundation for their static site projects. Whether you're developing an e-commerce site, a blog, or any other type of static site, these open-source templates will help you get your site up and running quickly. So check out these excellent SvelteKit starter themes and begin building incredible web applications with ease, taking your static site development to the next level in 2023!
10 best SvelteKit templates for a variety of use cases
Use case(s): Marketing website (multipurpose)
Author: CloudCannon
License: MIT

Sendit is a multipurpose SvelteKit theme made with the Bootstrap CSS framework. The components have been converted to Bookshop. It’s the perfect starting point to see how CloudCannon works and build out a clean, modern looking site at the same time.
Sendit demo site
Sendit GitHub repo
Use case(s): Law firm or local business
Author: CloudCannon
License: MIT

Justice is a law firm themed template for SvelteKit which can be modified to fit any local business. This clean layout can easily be adjusted to fit any client’s branding. Increase the web presence of a law firm or business with this configurable theme.
Justice demo site
Justice GitHub repo
Use case(s): Web Agency business
Author: CloudCannon
License: MIT

The Urban SvelteKit template helps you showcase your agency to the world. Show customers the services you offer, examples of previous work and a contact page to get in touch. Increase the web presence of your agency with this configurable theme.
Urban demo site
Urban GitHub repo
Use case(s): Opinionated blog starter
Author: sw-yx
License: MIT

An opinionated blog starter for SvelteKit + Tailwind + Netlify. Refreshed for SvelteKit 1.0!
Swyxkit demo site
Swyxkit GitHub repo
Use case(s): Documentation
Author: GeopJr
License: Unlicensed

SveltePress is a documentation tool built on top of SvelteKit. SvelteKit & Svelte's simplicity allow the user to modify SveltePress to fit their needs with little to no effort while taking advantage of the incredible performance of both of them.
SveltePress demo site
SveltePress GitHub repo
SvelteKit Commerce
Use case(s): eCommerce
Author: Vercel
License: MIT

SvelteKit Commerce is an open-source, customizable ecommerce template built with SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, and Shopify.
SvelteKit Commerce demo site
SvelteKit GitHub repo
Use case(s): Blog
Author: ImportantImport
License: WTFPL

Urara is a sweet, powerful, IndieWeb-compatible SvelteKit Blog Starter.
Urara demo site
Urara GitHub repo
Use case(s): Minimal websites
Author: Sharu725
License: MIT

Yuyutsu is a minimal Sveltekit markdown theme with a sidebar.
Yuyutsu demo site
Yuyutsu GitHub repo
Use case(s): Ecommerce websites
Author: Ivanlori
License: MIT

Sveltemmerce is a simple Ecommerce template built with SvelteJs and Tailwindcss.
Sveltemmerce demo site
Sveltemmerce GitHub repo
Use case(s): Blog Starter
Author: Kwchang0831
License: MIT

Qwer is a simply awesome blog starter built with SvelteKit and love.
Qwer demo site
Qwer GitHub repo
And there we have it! Ten open-source SvelteKit templates for 2023, covering a range of use cases to take your static website to the next level.
Have we missed your favorite SvelteKit theme? Let us know on Twitter or Mastodon!
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