How the Jekyll SEO plugin helps you optimize your site

SEO is a hot topic for Jekyll and static sites in general. WordPress has the famous Yoast plugin, which does a great job of helping you optimize a site's SEO. Jekyll has the Jekyll SEO tag plugin, which serves a similar purpose. In this showcase, we're diving into what this plugin does and how it works.
What does the Jekyll SEO plugin do?
The plugin is designed to work out-of-the-box with minimal configuration. It'll set your page title, description, Canonical URL, next and previous pages for paginated pages, JSON-LD structured data to help with indexing, Open Graph data for social networks, and Twitter summary card.
The installation is straightforward, simply include the Gem and add {% seo %} to the <head> in your layout. The plugin does a good job using front matter and configuration data you likely already have set to generate the SEO metadata. It'll pick up fields like title, description, image & author. For a complete list, check out the docs.
The result after a build is a block of metadata that looks something like this:
<!-- Begin Jekyll SEO tag v2.7.1 -->
<title>Bootstrap | Cloudcannon</title>
<meta name="generator" content="Jekyll v4.1.1" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Bootstrap" />
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
<meta name="description" content="Not only has Bootstrap helped millions of developers build websites, but their documentation is built using Hugo. Let’s dive in and deconstruct the Bootstrap documentation." />
<meta property="og:description" content="Not only has Bootstrap helped millions of developers build websites, but their documentation is built using Hugo. Let’s dive in and deconstruct the Bootstrap documentation." />
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Cloudcannon" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="article:published_time" content="2021-05-18T04:54:43+00:00" />
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
<meta property="twitter:image" content="" />
<meta property="twitter:title" content="Bootstrap" />
<script type="application/ld+json">
{"image":"","headline":"Bootstrap","dateModified":"2021-05-18T04:54:43+00:00","datePublished":"2021-05-18T04:54:43+00:00","@type":"BlogPosting","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"description":"Not only has Bootstrap helped millions of developers build websites, but their documentation is built using Hugo. Let’s dive in and deconstruct the Bootstrap documentation.","url":"","@context":""}
<!-- End Jekyll SEO tag -->
All of that for one line of Liquid and some front matter you probably already have set. Yes please. Before this plugin existed, this needed to be generated by hand with Liquid. It was error-prone, complicated, and a nightmare to maintain. The Jekyll SEO tag plugin almost makes it too easy.
HTML output
Let's start by looking at how the HTML is generated. template.html is a file with simple HTML/Liquid that handles the bulk of the output. A small snippet is included here but if you want to dive deeper, take a look at the raw file:
<!-- Begin Jekyll SEO tag v{{ seo_tag.version }} -->
{% if seo_tag.title? %}
<title>{{ seo_tag.title }}</title>
{% endif %}
<meta name="generator" content="Jekyll v{{ jekyll.version }}" />
{% if seo_tag.page_title %}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ seo_tag.page_title }}" />
{% endif %}
{% if %}
<meta name="author" content="{{ }}" />
{% endif %}
<meta property="og:locale" content="{{ seo_tag.page_locale }}" />
There's nothing too crazy going on here. It's simply checking for particular variables and outputting them if they exist. Let's take a look at where these variables are initalized.
Liquid Drops
The bulk of the plugin is a series of Liquid Drops. You may have heard this term before, but what exactly are Liquid Drops? A Drop is similar to a Hash in Ruby. It's an object you can use within Liquid with potentially dangerous methods removed.
Let's take the image Drop. All it does is gets an image from a page's front matter and returns it as an image path. Most of the logic is ensuring the path is in a sane format. Here's a snippet of the file. Again, take a look at the raw file for a full view.
class ImageDrop < Jekyll::Drops::Drop
include Jekyll::SeoTag::UrlHelper
def initialize(page: nil, context: nil)
raise ArgumentError unless page && context
@mutations = {}
@page = page
@context = context
def path
@path ||= filters.uri_escape(absolute_url) if absolute_url
Authors and JSON-LD are also Drops built similarly. These are all used in the Jekyll SEO drop which calculates all the values for the Liquid file include the title:
def title
@title ||= begin
if site_title && page_title != site_title
page_title + TITLE_SEPARATOR + site_title
elsif site_description && site_title
site_title + TITLE_SEPARATOR + site_tagline_or_description
page_title || site_title
return page_number + @title if page_number
def description
@description ||= begin
format_string(page["description"] || page["excerpt"]) || site_description
def image
@image ||= => page, :context => @context)
@image if @image.path
and JSON-LD:
def json_ld
@json_ld ||=
Liquid Tag
Liquid tags are the logic of a Liquid template, including statements, loops, case statements, and more. In this case, the SEO tag ( {% seo %}) is a Liquid Tag. It's the final piece of the puzzle and what the user calls to include the SEO metadata.
The file is mostly setting up data for the Drops. It ends with registering the SEO tag for Liquid:
Wrap up
The Jekyll SEO tag plugin is a must-have for any Jekyll site. It's usually the first plugin to install on any new Jekyll site. For more learning about Jekyll, try out this Jekyll tutorial to help with your next project.
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