November 13th, 2024 | Changelog
This release added the values.tabbed
key for Structures in Unified Configuration.
It also addressed an issue where permissions incorrectly prevented you from reading the CloudCannon configuration file.
Features & Improvements
- Added the
key to Structures. This key allows you to create tabs if you have two layers of nested objects within your Structure. CloudCannon would do this automatically for Non-unified Configuration Sites, but it must be explicitly configured in the Unified Configuration file format.
- Fixed an issue where you could not see the Collections in your Site Navigation if you were a member of a Permission Group with all permissions scoped to a single Project.
November 8th, 2024 | Changelog
This release addressed issues relating to configuration generation, and merging cells in a table, as well as fixing a broken link.
- CloudCannon will now always persist tables as HTML if there are any merged cells, since there is no syntax for representing this in Markdown.
- Fixed a broken link in the Site Settings prompt to finish editing the configuration file.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused newly generated configuration from being saved to the configuration file.
November 7th, 2024 | Changelog
The CloudCannon Legacy app is no longer available. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during this process; we have addressed all issues brought to our attention. If you have any further feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team.
This release added ARIA attributes to the password strength label, new key descriptions for the Collections section in the CloudCannon configuration file, removed the Recent activity section for users without permission to read it, and added an extra setup prompt if you delete your configuration file.
It also addressed several issues, including those affecting renaming files, Headless Mode, Client Sharing, Schemas in the + Add button dropdown, and Rich Text inputs.
Features & Improvements
- Improved accessibility by adding ARIA attributes to the password strength label under the Password field.
- Updated the description text for all keys under the Collections heading when you open the CloudCannon configuration file in the Data Editor.
- CloudCannon will no longer show the Recent activity section on the Site Dashboard if you do not have the
- CloudCannon now prompts you to regenerate your CloudCannon configuration file if you delete it. The wand icon will reappear next to Status in your Site Navigation and the Status page will allow you to regenerate your CloudCannon configuration file.
- Fixed an issue where CloudCannon would temporarily display a second copy of a file after renaming a file.
- Fixed an issue where CloudCannon would incorrectly display a "Waiting for build..." message on Sites in Headless Mode.
- Fixed an issue where users on Client Sharing could not see the Site icon and previews for Bookshop components.
- Fixed an issue where users on Client Sharing could not log in to a Site if it did not have a CloudCannon configuration file.
- Fixed an issue where the options in the + Add button dropdown in the Collection browser did not fall back to use Schemas if
was configured as an empty array.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, adding text to a Rich Text input, then saving the file, would clear the recently added text.
November 6th, 2024 | Changelog
On November 7th, CloudCannon will remove support for the Legacy version of our app. Thank you so much to everyone who provided feedback. We have addressed all issues brought to our attention.
This release added the Authn Context field after SAML configuration and updated the default SAML signing algorithm and SSL minimum TLS version.
Features & Improvements
- You can now edit the Authn Context field without removing your SAML configuration.
- The default signing algorithm for SAML is now SHA256. Existing SAML configuration using SHA1 is not affected by this change.
- The default Minimum TLS version for SSL is now 1.2. Existing SSL configuration using TLS 1.0 is not affected by this change.
November 1st, 2024 | Changelog
This release addressed several issues, including those affecting the Content Editor and image resizing.
- Fixed an issue preventing you from inserting or editing blockquotes, images, links, and Snippets in the Content Editor.
- Fixed an issue causing an error when you attempted to resize an image uploaded through an Image input.
October 31st, 2024 | Changelog
This release added several improvements to the onboarding and initial Site creation process, the appearance of the Sites and Projects pages, Jekyll codeblock behavior, and error messages after logging in fails.
It also addressed several issues, including those affecting new Collection items, app behavior when using two tabs, SSO, images in your DAM, Site icons, and uneditable snippets.
Features & Improvements
- Hid non-essential UI elements during initial Site setup.
- Updated the onboarding survey for new users setting up their first Site.
- Updated the appearance of the Sites list page when you have no Sites.
- Updated the appearance of the Projects list page when you have no Projects.
- For Jekyll Sites, CloudCannon no longer adds
and {%highlight%}
tags to your codeblocks automatically if you include templating in your Markdown. Please use the Raw or Highlight snippets.
- Clearer error messages when logging in fails.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, CloudCannon did not apply your Collection configuration to new Collection items unless you refreshed the app.
- Fixed an issue causing unexpected behavior when deleting or saving files on the same Site in two different tabs on the same Internet browser.
- Fixed an issue where the Setup SSO prompt would persist after you had finished setting up SSO.
- Fixed an issue where CloudCannon did not apply
and expandable
to images in your DAM.
- Fixed an issue causing Site icons to break when you used relative URLs with a DAM.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, CloudCannon would add extra non-breaking spaces around uneditable snippets protecting custom markup.
- Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.
October 24th, 2024 | Changelog
This release added support for Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA, missing keys to the CloudCannon configuration file in the Data Editor, and improved accessibility and error messaging.
It also addressed several issues, including those affecting draft files on Jekyll Sites, Cards in the Structures and Snippets modals, cloning file behavior, disabling file actions, and the Asset browser.
Features & Improvements
- Added support for Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA on CloudCannon forms.
- For Sites using Live Data and Configuration Editing, you can now see new Schemas in your Collection browser +Add button dropdown before saving the Schema
- Added the
, _snippets_imports
, and commit_templates
keys to the CloudCannon configuration file when you open it in the Data Editor.
- Improved accessibility on the Add a new Site page by adding keyboard controls when you choose whether to use a template or your own files, and when uploading files for a new Site from your computer.
- Better error messaging when setting up an existing CloudCannon account with SAML.
- Better error messaging when you reference a Schema that does not exist.
- Better error handling when you make a duplicate Pull Request.
- Fixed an issue where publishing a draft file on a Jekyll Site would not prompt you to rename the file with a date.
- Fixed an issue where Cards in the Structures and Snippets modals did not use Gallery view by default, despite having images configured.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, after you cloned a file CloudCannon would incorrectly open a separate file.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, cloning a file a file would cause multiple file Cards for that file to appear in the Collection browser.
- Fixed an issue where a blank file would persist in your Collection browser when you created a new file with an incorrect Schema name.
- Fixed an issue where disabling file actions in a Collection would not disable the Delete option.
- Fixed an issue where CloudCannon did not use the name of a Collection as the tab title in your Internet browser.
- Fixed an issue where opening a link for the Organizations List before logging in to CloudCannon would result in a 404 error after logging in.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the Asset browser would attempt to use a broken external URL as the folder path.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the Cancel button did not close the upload modal.
- Fixed an issue where, if you had permission to Read the Source Syncing page under Site Settings and the Subscription page under Org Settings, CloudCannon would allow you to click buttons and produce a permission error, rather than displaying a Read-only page.
- Fixed an issue where CloudCannon would reorder the values for Select and Multiselect inputs rather than respecting the order in your input configuration.
October 17th, 2024 | Changelog
This release improved the appearance of the Snippet and Structure picker modals, updated Data Panel behavior in the Content Editor, and moved the Enter Legacy button.
It also addressed several issues, including those affecting filenames in the Review changes modal, Code Blocks in Rich Text inputs, automatic detection for templating files, and Site loading.
Features & Improvements
- Cards in the Snippet picker modal and Structure picker modal now only display a gallery image if the Snippet or Structure has a gallery image or icon configured.
- In the Content Editor, the Data Panel now opens immediately after adding a link, snippet, or image.
- Moved the Enter CloudCannon Legacy button from the App Sidebar to the Account Menu.
- Fixed an issue where opening the Review changes modal would clear the filename of recently added, cloned, or renamed files.
- Fixed an issue where, in the Google Chrome browser, you could not use Code Blocks inside a Rich Text input.
- Fixed an issue where you could not use the Esc keyboard key to close the several modals.
- Fixed an issue where CloudCannon could not automatically detect the URL or find metadata for templating files (e.g., liquid, astro).
- Fixed several issues preventing Sites from loading.
October 15th, 2024 | Changelog
This release added new options to the billing graphs for users on legacy plans.
It also addressed several issues affecting uploads_filename
configuration, Collection items for Link to a page
, and Client Sharing file globs.
Features & Improvements
- Added "This Billing Period" and "Last Billing Period" options to the billing graphs on the Organization Dashboard for users of legacy plans.
- Fixed an issue preventing you from defining the input path
outside of your configuration file at other levels of the configuration cascade.
- Fixed an issue where some Collection files did not appear when using
Link to a page
in CloudCannon.
- Fixed an issue preventing you from configuring file globs for Client Sharing users.
October 10th, 2024 | Changelog
This release added better error messaging and the Metadata URL field to the Single Sign-On page.
It also addressed several issues affecting icons in Select inputs, picker preview configuration, and updated dependencies.
Features & Improvements
- Better error messaging when creating a Pull Request that already exists.
- Added the Metadata URL field to the Single Sign-On page under Org Settings.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't select an option in a Select input by clicking on the icon.
- Fixed an issue where, when viewing the CloudCannon configuration file in the Data Editor, the Icon dropdown under Collection Display did not display icons correctly.
- Fixed an issue preventing you from configuring text and image simultaneously in picker preview.
- Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.