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CloudCannon Open Beta

February 8th, 2024 | Major

Our new Editing Beta is now available to everyone!

The Open Beta introduces a brand new way to edit your files in CloudCannon, creating a collaborative experience where multiple users can create content together. We've improved how our editing interfaces look and function, and how you review your team's changes before saving. We’ve also introduced avatars to various places within the app, so you can see who is editing what, in real time.

We’d like to invite everyone to test our new upgrades before the full launch. Taking part in this Beta is a great chance to let us know what’s working, and what could be improved for you and your team before we launch.

For a full list of features, check out our Beta Changelog.

Enter the Open Beta

To enter the Open Beta, click on the Try the Editor Beta button in the CloudCannon sidebar, or click on your avatar and select Enter CloudCannon Beta from the Account Menu.

To return to the Main CloudCannon environment, click the Using Editor Beta button in the CloudCannon sidebar, or click on your avatar and select Exit CloudCannon Beta in the Account Menu.

The CloudCannon sidebar shows the Try the Editor Beta button.

Enable Beta for your site

To protect your files during this Beta period, you cannot edit your site in the Main and Beta environments simultaneously. To edit this site on the CloudCannon Beta, you must enable editing sessions. This will also prevent you from editing this site outside of the CloudCannon Beta.

To enable editing in Beta for each site, open any file and click Enable CloudCannon Beta in the banner at the bottom of the app. Click again in the Enable editing sessions modal to confirm.

You can revert this option by navigating to Flags, under Site Settings, and unselecting the checkbox for Editing sessions.

Any sites created in the Beta environment will automatically have the editing sessions flag enabled.

The banner at the bottom of the CloudCannon app shows the Enable editing sessions button.


If you have any questions or feedback regarding this Beta release, we’d love to hear from you.

Alternatively, you can always contact our support team.

Credit card expiry date fix

February 5th, 2024 | Minor

Credit cards with an automatically updated expiry date will now work as expected.


  • Credit cards with an automatically updated expiry date now work.
  • General bug fixes and security updates.

Select and copy text in read-only inputs

February 1st, 2024 | Minor

This release added notifications when someone unsubscribes from an inbox target, updated the sign-up link for individuals invited through SSO, separate billing names for invoices, and selecting read-only text

It also addressed several issues affecting pull requests and tab navigation in the Data Editor and updated CloudCannon's dependencies.


  • Account owners are now notified by email when someone unsubscribes from an inbox target.
  • When you invite someone to an organization using SSO, CloudCannon now sends them an email link to the SSO sign-up page rather than the standard sign-up page.
  • You can now use a different billing name on your invoice independent of your organization name.
  • You can now select and copy text in read-only inputs.


  • Fixed an issue where pull requests with no title would cause a 500 error.
  • Fixed an issue where inputs with the same key name could break tab navigation in the Data Editor.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

Fixed GitLab merge requests

December 20th, 2023 | Minor

This release addressed an issue affecting GitLab merge requests and updated CloudCannon's dependencies.


  • Fixed an issue where GitLab merge requests could not be merged through CloudCannon.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

Added unforced transparent redirects

December 15th, 2023 | Minor

This release added unforced transparent redirects.


  • You can now use unforced transparent redirects (200, 404, and 410 status codes). These will only apply to requests that would otherwise 404.

New Beta available to Partners

December 14th, 2023 | Minor

Our new Beta, Editing in CloudCannon, is now available to Partners and customers on an Enterprise plan.

Editing in CloudCannon is now a collaborative experience, enabling your teams to create content together. We've improved how our editing interfaces look and function, how you review your team's changes before saving, and added badges to file cards to indicate changed files. We've also introduced avatars to various places in the app so you can see who is editing in real-time.

For more information about our latest Beta, check out the Beta Documentation.

This release also updated CloudCannon's dependencies.


  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

General fixes

December 7th, 2023 | Minor

This release addressed issues affecting structured objects and object tabs in the editing interfaces, merging pull requests using Bitbucket, and Snippets with explicitly null arguments.


  • CloudCannon now refreshes Git provider authentication on a schedule, improving performance.
  • Fixed an issue affecting structured objects and object tabs in the Data Editor.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some Bitbucket users from merging pull requests.
  • Fixed an issue preventing users from writing or parsing Snippets with explicitly null arguments.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

Configure a commit message when updating from Publish Branch

November 30th, 2023 | Minor

This release added commit message templates for updates from a Publish Branch, a read-only mode for editing locked sites, and new default behavior when you reopen the Data Editor.

It also addressed several issues affecting the Sync files button, the Visual Editor sidebar, and date inputs in Jekyll.


  • You can now configure a commit message template for merges made when updating from a Publish branch.
  • You can now view file contents in a read-only mode for editing locked sites.
  • The Data Editor now defaults to the tab depth you last accessed.


  • Fixed an issue preventing users with Technical Editor permissions from using the Sync files button.
  • Fixed an issue where some builds with many logs would fail to build.
  • Fixed an issue where the Visual Editor sometimes failed to load the sidebar.
  • Fixed an issue where the Jekyll timezone would overwrite the date input timezone when publishing Jekyll posts or drafts.
  • Fixed an issue where input configuration for Jekyll posts would not apply to Jekyll drafts.
  • Fixed an issue where builds that output symlinks would fail to build.
  • Fixed an issue where the user avatar icon would break if you had not set your first name.
  • Better text clarity when CSS ligatures would combine characters.
  • The Transfer Requests list in Organization Settings is now sorted by newest.
  • Improved messaging when updating from a Publish Branch using a GitLab repository.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

Support for multiple 404 pages via custom routing

November 23rd, 2023 | Minor

This release added support for multiple 404 pages.

It also addressed several issues, including large YAML files slowing down the Data Editor, modals expanding beyond the end of the screen, and upstream pull requests preventing updates from a Publish Branch.


  • Added support for multiple 404 pages via CloudCannon custom routing.


  • Fixed an issue where large YAML files would cause editing in the Data Editor to slow down.
  • Fixed an issue where modals would expand beyond the end of the screen in older versions of some browsers.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Hugo shortcode hugo_markdown_shortcode_positional_args from working.
  • Fixed an issue where the merge pull request button was briefly available while a merge was already in progress.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some files from being uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue where sites could not update from a Publish Branch if there was an upstream pull request.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

Update from Publish Branch

November 16th, 2023 | Minor

This release added the Update from Publish Branch feature and unlimited trial periods for Partner Client Organizations. It also addressed issues affecting the Publishing tab on the Project page, commit links on the Activity page, and merge requests from GitLab.


A diagram of the new CloudCannon UI, with update notification icons on the Publish button and a callout to update this site.
  • Added the Update from a Publish Branch feature.
    • CloudCannon will detect when your Publish Branch has been updated. When updates are available, a red notification icon will appear on the Publish button in your Site navigation.
    • You can now pull these updates to your branched site through the Update this site button on the Publishing page.
  • Partners now have access to unlimited trial periods for new clients.


  • Fixed an issue where images and links in markdown were escaped if the filepath included a space.
  • Fixed an issue where the Publishing tab on the Project page was not visible to users with Editor-level permissions.
  • Fixed an issue where the Publishing tab diagram did not correctly display site relationships.
  • Fixed an issue where the Redirects tab on the Domain Settings page did not display site icons correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Activity page failed to link to commits.
  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability.
  • Improved visibility of pending or blocked merge requests from GitLab and added more detailed error messages.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

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