Changelog Page: 5

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Unable to merge Pull Requests

June 11th, 2024 | Minor

This release addressed an issue preventing you from merging a Pull Request.


  • Fixed an issue where team members using Site Sharing and Client Sharing could not merge Pull Requests.

SSL certificate improvements

June 7th, 2024 | Minor

This release included several changes to SSL certificates, including updating how often CloudCannon checks your domain name, adding an email when your SSL certificate fails to renew, and updating the UI on the Custom Domains page. It also added better error messaging, support for a context field and multi-line comments on inputs, and more accessible colors.

This release addressed several issues, including those affecting HTML inputs, external link previews, spacing in the UI, Site merging, and the Pull Request description box.

Features & Improvements

  • Updated the way CloudCannon generates SSL certificates. Rather than checking your domain name is pointing at CloudCannon every 20 minutes, CloudCannon will now use an exponential backoff model.
  • CloudCannon will now email all team members with permission to read the Settings details for a Base Domain when an SSL certificate fails to renew.
  • Updated the UI for the Custom Domains page under Site Settings.
    • Added a new tab structure.
    • Added a select box to choose a custom certificate.
    • The Custom Domains page will no longer say your Site is insecure if the certificate is loading or fails to load.
  • Added filtering options for the SSL Certificates page in Organization Settings.
  • Added the new context option for all inputs to provide context or extra instructions for team members using inputs. You can now define, context.title, context.icon, and context.content for each input.
  • Added the show_count option to configure a character counter for text area inputs.
  • Added support for multi-line comments on inputs.
  • Added the option to specify Hugo, Ruby, node, and deno version numbers in the Environment Options on the Build Configuration page under Site Settings.
  • Added the Project name to the Target dropdown when creating a permission with the Project scope.
  • Improved the clarity of error messages when you attempt to delete a Site with a custom domain before removing Sites connected to subpaths of that domain.
  • Improved the clarity of error messages when you attempt to use DAM files without the correct permissions.
  • Improved the appearance of long text on Choice and Multichoice inputs.
  • Improved the performance of the Projects page to load Sites faster.
  • Updated the Nimbus gray color used in the app to pass accessibility contrast tests at WCAG AA level.
  • You can now use a CloudCannon global configuration file with Sites using Static SSG.


  • Fixed an issue where preview.icon_color and preview.image did not work for choice and multichoice inputs.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the boundary of a modal would cut off a tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where HTML inputs could not be empty after deleting text.
  • Fixed an issue causing incorrect spacing in the UI for Site inboxes, managing Credit Cards, and Members List.
  • Fixed an issue where defining paths.static as an empty string at the input level did not override the global value.
  • Fixed an incorrect tooltip in the editing interface.
  • Fixed an issue where merging a Site using the Merge Immediately option incorrectly required permission to read pull requests.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pull Request description box would sometimes clear content.
  • Fixed an issue where you could attempt to cancel after confirming you want to remove a team member from your Organization.
  • Fixed an issue where URL inputs incorrectly showed a preview for external links without https://.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, you could not cancel a pending invitation to your Organization.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

More relevant DAM results

June 5th, 2024 | Minor

This release improved the number of relevant results shown by DAM browsers for Google and Cloudinary DAMs.

It also addressed an issue affecting the button to update a Site from its Publish Branch.

Features & Improvements

  • Google and Cloudinary DAMs will now show more relevant results when using the DAM browser from an input (e.g., opening the DAM browser from an image input will show image filetypes).


  • Fixed an issue where the button to pull changes from the Publish Branch was sometimes incorrectly disabled.

Custom Permission Groups and Annual Subscriptions

June 1st, 2024 | Major

This release added the option to pay your CloudCannon subscription annually, released the Custom Permissions feature, and improved the UI for the DAM Settings page.

Custom Permission Groups are now out of early access and available to everyone on the Team and Enterprise plans. For more information about this feature, please see the Sharing section of our documentation or contact our support team.

Features & Improvements

  • You can now choose to pay for your CloudCannon subscription annually. The annual payment plan includes a discounted price.
  • Updated the UI for the Update your plan page to include a pricing toggle for Monthly or Yearly payment plans.
  • Custom Permission Groups are available to everyone on our Team and Enterprise plans.
    • The Team plan offers up to 10 Custom Permission Groups, and the Enterprise plan offers unlimited Groups.
A screenshot of the Edit Permission modal shows a permission with the Group scope and some resources checked in the resource tree.
  • Custom Permission Groups allow you to:
    • Define access to your Organization by selecting which resources are available to each Group and define what actions are allowed (Read, Write, or Create).
    • Limit access to specific files, Projects, Sites, or Base Domains.
    • Determine who can edit your Permission Groups.
    • Use exceptions for fine-grained control over which resources in your Organization a member can interact with.
  • Improved the accessibility for areas of the app related to Permission Groups.
  • Updated the UI for the Groups tab of the Team page in Org Settings.
  • Updated the UI for the DAM Settings page.

Support for Cloudinary DAM dynamic folders

May 23rd, 2024 | Minor

This release add support for Cloudinary DAMs using dynamic folder mode, updated our select and multiselect inputs, and improved the clarity of copy in the app.

Features & Improvements

  • Added support for Cloudinary DAMs using dynamic folder mode, including the appropriate directory structure and asset names.
  • Updated select and multiselect inputs in the app for better styling, accessibility, and placement.
  • Improved the clarity of copy in the app regarding Client Sharing.

General fixes

May 17th, 2024 | Minor

This release improved the clarity of copy in new areas of the app.

It also addressed several issues, including those affecting buttons in the app, leaving a Permission Group, Eleventy Site builds, and transfer requests.

Features & Improvements

  • Improved the clarity of copy in the app regarding the workflow for inviting team members to your Organization and Site Sharing.


  • Fixed an issue where the Finish Inbox button on the Create inbox page did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not leave a Permission Group you were a member of.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, buttons were duplicated in various areas of the app.
  • Fixed an issue where Eleventy Sites with the Eleventy configuration file in a subfolder failed to build.
  • DAMs are now listed correctly in the resources associated with a transfer request.

Better editing interface performance

May 16th, 2024 | Minor

This release improved the clarity of copy in new areas of the app.

It also addressed an issue affecting the performance of our editing interface.

Features & Improvements

  • Improved the clarity of copy in the app regarding Permission Groups.


  • Fixed an issue causing poor performance when editing large files in CloudCannon's editing interfaces.

General fixes

May 16th, 2024 | Minor

This release addressed issues affecting the link to install the GitHub App and the filter for the Organizations List.


  • Fixed an issue where the link to Install the GitHub App did not appear on the Source Syncing settings page.
  • Fixed an issue where filtering the Organizations List by keyword would cause an error.

General fixes

May 15th, 2024 | Minor

This release made minor improvements to the UI in the invitation workflow.

It also addressed several issues affecting copy in the app, UI elements not appearing correctly, cloned files, and permissions.

Features & Improvements

  • The Add members button is now disabled when one or both fields on the Invite team members to your Organization modal are empty.


  • Fixed an issue where the Delete Organization page in Org Settings disappeared after you downgraded your CloudCannon pricing plan.
  • Fixed an issue where CloudCannon attempted to load a list of available inboxes on the Forms page for team members without the org:settings:inbox:read permission.
  • Fixed an incorrect heading on the Assets page under Org Settings.
  • Fixed an issue where saving a cloned file after editing and saving the original copy of the file would cause a syncing error.
  • Fixed an issue where the Context menu did not appear for Group cards on the Team Member page.
  • Fixed an issue where two tabs on the Organization List page would appear selected simultaneously.

Permission Groups and updated UI

May 14th, 2024 | Major

This release introduced a new way to determine what actions a team member can perform within your Organization: Permission Groups. CloudCannon's new Default Permission Groups have the same functionality as the "permission levels" you are used to, but they allow us to create the infrastructure for our next feature update: Custom Permissions.

Custom Permission Groups are now available to select Team and Enterprise customers for early access. The official release of Custom Permissions is coming soon. Until then, for more information on these changes, please see the Sharing section of our documentation.

This release updated the appearance and functionality of several pages in the app, including the Team, Client Sharing, and Organization List pages. We've also updated how you invite people to your Organization, manage your team members, and share your Sites.

This release also added features to support custom snippets, and addressed several issues affecting Site Mounting, data bindings, and snippets.

Features & Improvements

Permission Groups

  • You now determine what actions a team member can perform within your Organization by assigning them to a Permission Group. Every team member in your Organization must be a member of at least one Group.
  • Each Permission Group contains a set of permissions. CloudCannon will allow an action if a team member has permission from at least one Permission Group.
  • A Permission consists of a list of resources and the scope those resources apply to.
    • A resource is something you can interact with in CloudCannon (e.g., a Site, Pull Requests, Settings, Billing, etc.). Each resource also defines how a Group member can interact with that resource (i.e., the capacity to Read, Write, or Create a resource).
    • Scope defines how broadly a permission is applied (e.g., a permission with a Site scope will only apply to a specific Site, whereas a permission with a Global scope will apply to the entire Organization).
  • CloudCannon provides several Default Permission Groups with the same name and functionality as our old "permission levels". These include:
    • Four Permission Groups with a Global scope (Owners, Developers, Technical Editors, and Editors).
    • Two Permission Groups per Site, each with a Site scope for Site Sharing (Technical Editors and Editors).
    • One Permission Group per Site with a Site scope for Client Sharing.
  • CloudCannon has migrated all your team members into the appropriate Permission Group based on their previous "permission level."
  • CloudCannon will hide UI elements in the app if a team member does not have permission to interact with them (e.g., Billing will not appear in the Org Setting menu for members of the Editors Permission Group).
  • CloudCannon no longer defines the recipient of Site Sharing as a Collaborator or someone from outside your Organization. The recipient of Site Sharing is now a team member of your Organization with permissions for specific Sites rather than Global permissions.

New invitation workflow and UI update for Organization List page

A screenshot of the Organizations List page shows two pending invitations and one Organization card.
  • When you invite someone to join your Organization, you must select at least one Permission Group to add them to.
  • You can now accept or decline an invitation to join an Organization. If someone declines an invitation to an Organization, members of the Owners Permission Group will be notified via email.
  • The Organization List page shows a list of pending invitations. You can resend or cancel invitations any time before an invitation is accepted.
  • You can now invite multiple people to your Organization simultaneously using the + Add members button on the Team page.

UI update for Team page

A screenshot of the Team page shows two team members and the + Add members button.
  • The Team page in Org Settings now has two tabs: Members and Groups.
    • The Members tab lists all current team members in your Organization. This list displays each member's name, email address, how many Permission Groups they belong to, and whether they are a pending member. You can click on a team member to open their Team Member page.
    • The Groups tab lists all the Permission Groups within your Organization. This list displays the Group's name and how many members it has. You can click on a Group to open the Group page.
  • Information from the Collaborators tab on the Team page is now a part of the Groups tab. The Groups tab shows any Site Sharing Permission Groups that contain members.
  • The Client Shares tab from the Team page is now a separate page. Please see the Client Sharing page under Org Settings.

Team Member and My permissions pages

A screenshot of the My Permissions page shows which Permission Groups a team member belongs to and the Leave Organization button.
  • Each team member in your Organization now has a Team Member page. This page lists all the Permission Groups a team member belongs to.
  • The My permissions page lists all the Permission Groups you belong to. This page also includes a button to leave an Organization.

Group page

A screenshot of the Team page shows two team members and the + Add Groups button.
  • Each Permission Group in your Organization has a Group page with two tabs: Members and Settings. The Members tab lists all Group members. The Settings tab lists all the permissions in that Group. You can click on a permission for more details.

Client Sharing permissions and UI update

A screenshot of the Client Shares page shows one Site with Client Sharing enabled.
  • The Client Sharing page in Org Settings lists all the Sites in your Organization that have Client Sharing enabled.

Other features and improvements

  • Client Organizations can now add or remove a payment method for their account.
  • Improved the clarity of the Site Mounting diagram by adding arrows.
  • Added the wrapper parser for custom snippets.
  • Added the format.string_boundary option to the literal parser for custom snippets.
  • The content parser now supports a default value for custom snippets.
  • The output:inline option for snippet now forces multi-line content onto a single line in the Source Editor. Also, added the parse_newline_character option to the content parser to re-parse \n characters.


  • Fixed an issue where Site Mounting settings would not copy to the new Site when branching.
  • Fixed an issue where Site Mounting would cause builds to fail if the Local Site and Remote Site had files with the same path.
  • Fixed an issue where, for Site Mounting, Remote Sites providing source files would include the .git folder.
  • Fixed an issue where data bindings would not work for new components on Next.js Sites.
  • Fixed an issue where the Enable Git LFS checkbox in Site Settings would become unticked after you clicked on the Update Settings button.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, indenting a snippet would cause it to break.
  • Fixed an issue where escaped backticks would break snippets in the Content Editor.
  • Fixed several issues caused by custom snippets containing two consecutive variable-length parsers.
  • Snippet templates and definitions are now always available, even when _snippets_imports is set to false.
  • The MDX import snippet is now more specific to prevent markdown content from unintentionally becoming a snippet.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

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