Support for multiple 404 pages via custom routing

November 23rd, 2023 | Minor

This release added support for multiple 404 pages.

It also addressed several issues, including large YAML files slowing down the Data Editor, modals expanding beyond the end of the screen, and upstream pull requests preventing updates from a Publish Branch.


  • Added support for multiple 404 pages via CloudCannon custom routing.


  • Fixed an issue where large YAML files would cause editing in the Data Editor to slow down.
  • Fixed an issue where modals would expand beyond the end of the screen in older versions of some browsers.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Hugo shortcode hugo_markdown_shortcode_positional_args from working.
  • Fixed an issue where the merge pull request button was briefly available while a merge was already in progress.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some files from being uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue where sites could not update from a Publish Branch if there was an upstream pull request.
  • Updated dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.
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