SvelteKit support out of beta

December 15th, 2022 | Major

This release provides increased support for SvelteKit, marking the end of our beta. We've included a fully featured SvelteKit template called Sendit. Along with number of general features and fixes, we've added a feature called Create Paths to control where new content files are created, and how they are named.


  • Improved the order in the drop down when selecting an SSG.
  • Installed .NET SDK on the build environment for Statiq SSG.
  • Install latest LTS Node.js (v18) on the build environment.
  • Organizations for new user accounts now use the first name provided when created.
  • Sendit template for SvelteKit.
  • Improved performance during the opening and closing parts of the build process.
  • New Create Path configuration for collections and schemas to control where new collection files are created and named.


  • Made file size display for back ups in readable units.
  • Fixed input configuration not being read from schemas in some situations.
  • Fixed default icon for structure-based items in array inputs.
  • Prevent invalid data when creating initial global configuration files.
  • Fixed edge case not being able to add new structure-based array item.
  • Added default preview text for Snippets to prevent empty boxes.
  • Fixed cancel subscription not having two-click confirmation.
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