General fixes

April 19th, 2023 | Minor

This release includes a variety of fixes across the app.


  • Fixed Hugo files sometimes not using the correct layout in the Visual Editor.
  • Fixed the breadcrumbs in the asset browser when using a DAM with a configured folder.
  • Fixed a bug causing some contextual menus being obscured by other UI.
  • Files will now upload into the DAM folder you have navigated to in CloudCannon, instead of always going to the root.
  • Fixed a bug where the automatic config migration from Forestry failed silently when processing templates with a .yaml extension.
  • Fixed the choice input sometimes behaving strangely.
  • Hide notifications about build/sync status when you are on a page that already shows that information.
  • Prevent duplicate notifications.
  • Added a little more feedback on the DAM configuration screen to make it clearer when changes are saved.
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