Connect your S3 bucket to CloudCannon

Learn how to connect your Amazon S3 DAM to your CloudCannon Site.

Earlier in this guide, you created two S3 users. In this step, make sure to use the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from the "CloudCannon-to-S3" user when you connect your Amazon S3 DAM to CloudCannon.

In this step, you will connect CloudCannon to your S3 bucket.

  1. Open the Assets page under Site Settings.
  2. Select the New DAM option in the Link DAM dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Amazon S3 option in the DAM provider dropdown menu.
  4. Enter a name to identify your DAM in CloudCannon.
  5. Set the Base URL to the IMGIX base URL.
  6. Set the S3 Bucket Name to the name of your bucket in S3.
  7. Select the same AWS Region as your S3 bucket.
  8. Enter the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from your IAM user in the IAM Access Key and IAM Access Secret fields, respectively. If you created two users earlier in this guide, select the keys from the "CloudCannon-to-S3" user.
  9. Click the Authenticate button to save and close the modal.
  10. Click the Link DAM button.

IMGIX and your S3 bucket are now connected to your CloudCannon Site.

You can optionally set an Extra Prefix for your DAM. An extra prefix prepends a specific string to all asset paths, affecting all assets you upload to your DAM from this Site and the DAM browser in CloudCannon. This is useful if you want to ensure that your Site can only interact with a specific folder in your DAM.

To configure an Extra Prefix, navigate to the Assets page under Site Settings, click on the Context Menu for your linked Amazon S3 DAM, and select Settings from the menu. Enter the prefix in the Extra prefix field.

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